It’s not a secret : I’m a big
fan of Confess, a Swedish metal band.
I knew them thanks to an interview of Blade ( White Trash Heroes – ex Fatal Smile’s singer) less than 2 years ago if I remember.
They have already given a lot concerts but unfortunately not in France (one day I hope…) ; so I’ve moved myself, with my friend Fanny (and later Roxana), in Germany to see them for the first time (but not the last for sure !!) two times in a weekend.
We’ve driven about 1 200 km (Strasbourg, France - Lichtenfels, Germany - Bochum, Germany - Strasbourg, France) and our young Swedes have really deserved this roadtrip (and us as well).
So they gave two shows: the 1st one at the "Paunchy Cats", a very little (and nice) club, on Friday, Feb. 27, and the 2nd one at the "Matrix", another club but much larger, during the Sleazefest on Saturday, Feb. 28.
Two different experiences, but I’ve liked both of them !
I knew them thanks to an interview of Blade ( White Trash Heroes – ex Fatal Smile’s singer) less than 2 years ago if I remember.
They have already given a lot concerts but unfortunately not in France (one day I hope…) ; so I’ve moved myself, with my friend Fanny (and later Roxana), in Germany to see them for the first time (but not the last for sure !!) two times in a weekend.
We’ve driven about 1 200 km (Strasbourg, France - Lichtenfels, Germany - Bochum, Germany - Strasbourg, France) and our young Swedes have really deserved this roadtrip (and us as well).
So they gave two shows: the 1st one at the "Paunchy Cats", a very little (and nice) club, on Friday, Feb. 27, and the 2nd one at the "Matrix", another club but much larger, during the Sleazefest on Saturday, Feb. 28.
Two different experiences, but I’ve liked both of them !
Pauchy Cats, Lichtenfels (Feb, 27 2015)
On Friday, the club was so
small that we were 6 people packed like sardines on the 1st row and we could
easily go on stage if we’d wanted,just to tell you… It
was very warm and I can imagine the band members on the scene like in an oven !
But this fact didn’t stop them and as they always do, they gave their best : 8 songs were played - all from their album “Jail”, except one (actually, 9 songs were planned but due to a technical problem, they unfortunately haven’t been able to play "Setting Sails', for my big disappointment, and theirs ...).
A set punchy and without dead time during which they offered us their new single "Exit Light" and the cover of Tina Turner “Whats love got to do with it", two excellent songs live !! The audience enjoyed the set and our five Swedes apparently too.
But this fact didn’t stop them and as they always do, they gave their best : 8 songs were played - all from their album “Jail”, except one (actually, 9 songs were planned but due to a technical problem, they unfortunately haven’t been able to play "Setting Sails', for my big disappointment, and theirs ...).
A set punchy and without dead time during which they offered us their new single "Exit Light" and the cover of Tina Turner “Whats love got to do with it", two excellent songs live !! The audience enjoyed the set and our five Swedes apparently too.
Sleazefest - Matrix, Bochum (Fe, 28 2015)
On Saturday, there was much
more people and the scene was much bigger, which is probably much more
enjoyable for the band than the day before : we haven’t have the impression of
being in a sauna !
The set was shorter (6 songs, but only 5 played because of the same problem as the previous evening).
But our 5 musicians (and the audience) did the job : the atmosphere was excellent ! "Exit Light" was played again and was well received by the public, who have enjoyed (and sang) the cover of Tina Turner !
The guys have had significant successes, including from those who didn’t know them before the Sleazefest and it was a great pleasure to see this nice welcome !
The set was shorter (6 songs, but only 5 played because of the same problem as the previous evening).
But our 5 musicians (and the audience) did the job : the atmosphere was excellent ! "Exit Light" was played again and was well received by the public, who have enjoyed (and sang) the cover of Tina Turner !
The guys have had significant successes, including from those who didn’t know them before the Sleazefest and it was a great pleasure to see this nice welcome !
In conclusion, and in a word
: these two concerts were excellent !!!
Their common point ? The audience enjoyed both of the dates and the band was more than generous with his time after both of the shows : they gave to each person who wanted a picture and/or a dedication and talked very friendly with every fan who was at the merchandising stand. They’re very close to their fan and, last but not least, there are very funny !
By the way, I took the opportunity to offer them, amongst other things, some drawings I made of them, a special “Confess” Teddy Bear and a bottle of Jägermeister (Winter edition) they have appreciated a lot according to the rumours !!
Their common point ? The audience enjoyed both of the dates and the band was more than generous with his time after both of the shows : they gave to each person who wanted a picture and/or a dedication and talked very friendly with every fan who was at the merchandising stand. They’re very close to their fan and, last but not least, there are very funny !
By the way, I took the opportunity to offer them, amongst other things, some drawings I made of them, a special “Confess” Teddy Bear and a bottle of Jägermeister (Winter edition) they have appreciated a lot according to the rumours !!
Things always come in threes
: next Confess’ show for me : Friday,
July 3 in Italy where I’m gonna see them playing as an headliner in a small festival in Clusone.
I don’t need to tell you that I cannot wait... !
I don’t need to tell you that I cannot wait... !
« What’s love got
to do with it »
(Sleazefest 2015, filmed by Valeria Milanesi)
(Sleazefest 2015, filmed by Valeria Milanesi)
“Bloodstained Highway”
(official video)
Official Facebook page : here
Street Team Facebook page : here
Ceux qui me connaissent savent que je suis une très grande fan de
Confess, groupe de métal Suédois.
Je les ai connus grâce à une interview du chanteur de Fatal Smile (mon
groupe de cœur, qui a splitté l’an dernier… RIP) il y a un peu moins de 2 ans
si je me souviens bien.
Ils ont déjà donné beaucoup de concerts mais malheureusement jamais en
France (un jour peut être ?), aussi me suis-je déplacée, avec mon amie
Fanny, en Allemagne pour les voir pour la première (mais pas la dernière c’est certain !!)
deux soirs de suite.
Nous avons fait quelques 1 200 km (Strasbourg, France –
Lichtenfels, Allemagne – Bochum, Allemagne - Strasbourg, France) et vraiment,
nos jeunes Suédois ont bien mérité ce road-trip (et nous aussi).
Ils ont donc donné deux shows : le 1er au « Paunchy
Cats », un très chouette petit club, le vendredi 27 février, et au « Matrix »
de Bochum, club également, mais bien plus grand, dans le cadre du Sleazefest le
samedi 28 février.
Deux expériences différentes donc, mais tout aussi extra l’une que
Le vendredi, le club est si petit que nous étions 6 (bien serrés) au 1er
rang et que nous aurions pu aisément monter sur scène si nous avions voulu,
c’est vous dire ! Il faisait très très chaud et j’imagine que sur scène,
les membres du groupe devaient se croire dans un four ! Mais ça ne les a
pas empêchés de donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes, comme ils le font toujours, et
de nous jouer 8 chansons - toutes issues, à une exception prêt, de leur dernier
album « Jail » - (9 chansons étaient prévues mais suite à un souci
technique, ils n’ont malheureusement pas pu jouer « Setting Sails »,
à ma grande déception, et la leur également…).
Un set sans temps mort et énergique durant lequel ils nous ont offert
leur nouveau single « Exit Light » ainsi que la reprise de Tina
Turner « Whats love got to do with it », deux morceaux excellents sur
scène !! Le public a beaucoup
apprécié le set, et nos cinq Suédois apparemment
Samedi, il y avait beaucoup plus de monde et la scène était bien plus
grande, ce qui est sans doute beaucoup plus agréable pour les membres du groupe :
nous n’avons pas eu l’impression d’être dans un sauna comme la veille !
Le set est bien plus court (6 chansons prévues, mais seulement 5 jouées à cause du même problème que le soir
Ce qui n’a freiné ni nos 5
musiciens ni le public présent : l’ambiance a été excellente ! « Exit
Light » a à nouveau été jouée et fut bien accueillie par le public et ce
dernier a également beaucoup apprécié la reprise de Tina Turner qu’il a reprise
en cœur !
Confess a assurément du succès, y compris auprès de ceux qui ne les
connaissaient pas avant le Sleazefest et ça fait bien plaisir de voir ce bel
accueil !
En un mot, ces deux concerts furent excellents !!!
Leur point commun ? Le public a autant apprécié Confess sur les
deux dates et le groupe a été plus que
généreux de son temps après chaque show : chaque personne qui le désirait a
pu faire une photo, avoir une dédicace et/ou discuter avec les Suédois qui sont
restés bien sympathiquement à leur stand de merch.
J’en ai d’ailleurs moi-même profité et leur ai offert, entre autres
choses, certains dessins que j’avais fait d’eux, un doudou à l’effigie du
groupe et une bouteille spéciale de Jäger qu’ils ont, d’après les rumeurs,
beaucoup appréciée !!
Jamais deux sans trois : prochain concert pour moi : le
vendredi 3 juillet en Italie où je les verrai jouer en tête d’affiche d’un
petit festival à Clusone.
Inutile de vous dire que j’ai hâte.

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