This evening should have been a whole Swedish one but I don’t know why,
Bonafide hasn’t played (it was a pity !!) and was replaced by Double Crush
Syndrome, a German band (which I had already seen a few weeks ago in Germany).
As we were a few fans expected to have the first row, we were waiting
outside the venue from 17 pm. We even saw Jocke (singer) with Adde (drums) of Hardcore
Superstar filming the crowd ;-)
The venue, small (I think we were about 300) is really nice : an old
theater with balconies. And fortunatly,
we have had our 1st row, yeah !!!
Hostilities began at 19 pm with Double Crush Syndrome. A very good band who
played a punchy and very energetic hard rock, with a charismatic singer, close
to the public !
2nd band : the young
Swede Nitrodive ; they define themselves as rock/punk-rock, but even if I also liked their performance, I thought
their set "softer" than the Germans one (the bassplayer looks like
Swann from BlackRain).
Double Crush Syndrome Nitrodive
I also thought that the order of both first bands a bit strange because
Double Crush Syndrome played much longer than Nitrodive (the opposite would
have been more logical in my opinion).
The audience warmly welcomed the 2 bands and the atmosphere is quickly rises
to never decrease).
Blundie, my little HS Teddy Bear ;-)
At 21: 30 pm our superstars entered the scene, and coming first salute fans
in front of the stage.
The band started his set with the excellent "We don’t Celebrate
Sundays" and from the beginning, it was a big mayhem in the venue !! The
heat increased and I think I've never been crushed like that against the stage
before that !! But it hasn’t moderated our enthusiasm !
The band was very fit and the setlist fabulous !!!! They played for us all
the standards (Moonshine, Dreamin in a Casket, Kick on the Upperclass ... +
Someone Special, which wasn’t planned), and a few songs from the new album to
come (The Cemetary, Touch the Sky - which was dedicated to Twisted Sister’s
drummer AJ Pero, who suddenly died the day before the show...) ; these songs are
very good live.
Many fans had made some banners, and each of them was highly appreciated by
the band, especially one provided by two very young fans : "Please sing
Long Time No See for young fans." The kids were standing on the stage to
the right ; the band played the beginning of the song and it was super nice to
see that ! After this little break, Jocke invited them to join him during the
next song (Guestlist).
Setlist Kids on stage

I didn’t return on the 1st row after that because I was completely dry (and
soaked because of the heat) : I preferred going to the bar to drink a big fresh
beer !!
The gig ended with an amazing encore : Don’t Mean Shit (new album), Moonshine
and Above the Law. Super final !!!
Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to go seeing the first bands, as Amandine
and I had the chance to meet Hardcore Superstar ! After a few moment of doubt (we
haven’t had any information about the meet’n’greet...), we were accompanied in
the dressing room with two other French people and ... wow !!
We got a very nice welcome ! Each of them took us in his arms and gave us two
kisses on our cheeks (Swedish and French salutations) ; we talked with all of them
(especially with Vic, the guitarist, who
loved my little Teddy Bear with his HS dress - Adde had some big cramps in his forearms,
poor guy...) shared a beer, took pictures with the whole band... it was awesome
!! I offered them a drawing I made and such a surprise for me (and a great
pride I must admit) when Jocke recognized it right away and even remembered my
nickname on Instagram !!
With the guys :-D
We left them with another big hug and Jocke raised both of us in his arms… It
was ... surrealistic !! They all are really adorable.
We left the room with the new album on a promo CD and many happy memories
in our heads !!!
Videos :
- "The Cemetary" (ici)
- Kids on stage (ici)
- "Last Call for Alcohol" - Girls on stage (ici)
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